Sunday, September 14, 2008

Create Fun Traditions

If you've recently joined our parenting blog, then let me catch you up to speed.

We've been looking at how to cultivate a family identity. What sets our family apart from other families? What makes us special? What makes our kids think, "Wow! I'm glad to be a part of this family"? Let me give you this week's tip:

Create fun traditions.

In our family, we have a family night once a month. We’ll let the children stay up late, we’ll make popcorn, eat chocolate and watch a movie together or play a game. My kids love these times. They cuddle up in our arms and cherish every second. I can assure you that they'll never forget the way they felt on 'family night'.

Why not have a family night this week? Or plan one for this month. If not a family night, then think of a fun tradition that you can start with your family.

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