Sunday, September 27, 2009

Everything You Say Matters

Be aware of everything you say; does it build or tear down?

A simple definition of “encourage” is “to put courage in.” “Discourage” means “to take away courage.”

Look for opportunities to encourage, especially if your children are obviously discouraged or vulnerable for some reason.

Even right now, think of a way you can encourage your child today. Then go and do it!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Communicate Encouragement with Your Face

Communicate encouragement with your face and your expressions.

When Drew was bathing our children one night our daughter asked him, “Dad what’s wrong with your face?” He realized he had been thinking about work, and his face was twisted and worried. She thought she had done something wrong. It’s the same with me. If I’m stressed or frustrated it’s often worn on my face. Our kids notice and it affects them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Five Ways To Love Your Child

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” ~Elizabeth Stone

As a parent, you understand this feeling. So often I stand over the beds of my sleeping children and feel my heart aching with love as I look at their precious faces.

But more than feeling love for our children, we have to show it to them. This is one of the most fundamental and important aspects of parenting. You can’t assume that they know they are loved – they can’t see you standing over them while they sleep – you have to demonstrate regularly.

Five ways you can do that:

1. Become Your Child's Primary Encourager
2. Give Regular Physical Attention
3. Have Quality Time With Your Child
4. When You're With Your Kids, BE With Your Kids
5. Demonstrate Unconditional Love

We're going to look closer at each one of these five ways to love your children over the next few months. The one thing your children should never have to experience is doubt as to whether or not you really love them.