Saturday, April 18, 2009

Use Everyday Examples To Teach Character

Take opportunities to talk about examples of consequences as they arise. Use everyday examples from you children’s lives.

Example: Your daughter says, “Alice got in trouble today for lying.” You say, “I’m not surprised. Lying is wrong and will always bring trouble. It’s always best to tell the truth.”

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Choices Affect Others Too

Teach them that their choices don’t just affect them but they also affect people around them.

Example: If one of my children chooses to continue to talk harshly to her siblings, then one consequence might be that she loses the privilege of playing with everyone that day and she has to be isolated in her room for a period of time. (But we must teach them through this. Meanness or harsh speaking hurts other people, creates a bad atmosphere in the house and teaches the younger siblings that it is acceptable behaviour.)

Their behaviour affects the world around them, not just them. These seem like small choices and consequences now, but if we can help them through these things, then hopefully it will equip them to better face the big choices they will have to make as an adolescent.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Follow Through With the Consequences

Give them choices and follow through with the consequences of those choices.

Example: If you tell them that if they don’t eat their dinner then they won’t get pudding, then stick to what you say. If they make the choice not to eat the dinner then they DON’T get the pudding. If you give in and give them pudding anyway they only learn that there aren’t real consequences to their choices and you don’t really mean what you say.