Sunday, August 2, 2009

Learn To Say Sorry

If you make a mistake as a parent admit your mistake and ask forgiveness from your children. Learn to say, “Sorry!” and “Will you forgive me?” As parents, it’s hard to admit our weaknesses, especially to our children. But it will speak powerfully to our children.

I am often saying sorry to our children. If I’m grumpy or speaking harshly because I’m having “one of those days” sometimes I just stop and say,” Mommy is grumpy today but it is no excuse for her to speak harshly. I’m so sorry I’ve been doing that. Will you forgive me?” And they do.

Children are very gracious. We cannot expect them to say sorry to others if we cannot say sorry to them. As someone once said, “Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.”

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