Sunday, May 31, 2009

Teach Them to Respect Property

Teach them to respect property. We teach our children that people are of value and therefore we must treat them that way. But that also goes for their property because property belongs to people.

In our family we are fairly relaxed in letting our children play all over our house. But they’re not allowed to just break things or play in such a way that will damage something in the house. We try and take that value to other people’s houses as well. We don’t allow them to climb all over the furniture and throw balls at windows. They must know the boundaries and respect them. If something is damaged because they did not respect it, then we will insist that they take responsibility by replacing it or fixing it.

Talk about this with your children and make sure you explain why property is important - because people are important and we must respect them and what belongs to them.

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